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CI/CD with Jenkins – Part 9: deploy frontend page with pipeline

Deploy frontend page

This is the last tutorial of CI/CD with Jenkins, we have built, delivered and deployed the backend project with Jenkins. we will build and delivered frontend with pipeline.

install plugin

image 20200423153636527

configure nodeJS

image 20200423153814746

create new pipeline task

image 20200423154125636

scroll down to pipeline section, we use pipeline script this time, script is shown as below.

image 20200423154935121
image 20200423154518327

build and check result

image 20200423160917855

access the front page

image 20200423161108310


In this last toturial, We learned about how to build fronted code and deployed it to the server.

In this CI/CD with Jenkins series, we start to build the whole environment from the scratch, configure Jenkins with various plugins, create/build pipeline task. but there are more features that don’t mention in this series, like periodically build task, sending result email after the build, if you are interested, you can check out further information on Jenkins document.

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